General terms and conditions

Version 1.0, published February 2023


These terms and conditions apply to all - within the framework of the free trade of energetics - offered services of Robert Gemeinböck. They are authoritative, unless otherwise agreed with the client in writing.

General terms and conditions

In all functional and personal terms used in these conditions, the chosen form applies to both genders as well as to all people who do not assign themselves to either gender.

The agreed services are performed only after the client has signed the disclosure form.

Unless mandatory provisions of the Consumer Protection Act conflict with this, the district court LInz, Fadingerstraße 2, 4020 Linz, is the place of jurisdiction. For all disputes arising from the existence and the termination of the agreement made with the client, Austrian law shall be deemed agreed.

Activity and reconnaissance

Energy work and energetic harmonization serve to balance the body's own energy fields and thus in further consequence also to activate the self-healing powers. I work in the energetic field and do not give any medical advice or healing promises in this context.

I expressly point out that energy work in no way replaces a visit to the doctor or treatment by him, and so these should also in no case be delayed or even neglected. This also applies to psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic treatments. In case of doubt, please contact a competent doctor or therapist!

The acceptance of my services is the free responsibility of each client and I therefore ask to use my offer accordingly on their own responsibility. My services are used by the client voluntarily. The client declares all, mainly relevant, information about him/herself (pregnancy, impairments). On the one hand, to ensure that medical care exists in parallel or is used, and on the other hand, to record a correct survey of the energetic state.

No liability is assumed for any disturbances and/or changes of a health nature that may occur and any liability for possible personal injury, property damage and/or financial loss is excluded.

I declare to keep confidential the data provided by the client and other entrusted information about each session or assistance in the course of treatment.

Seminars and workshops

Participation in seminars & workshops is on your own responsibility.

Seminars & workshops do not replace medical or therapeutic treatments.

Illnesses or psychological stress are to be discussed with me in advance. The participation of minors requires prior consultation with me and a written declaration of consent from a parent or guardian.

Unforeseen events, events beyond my control or failure to reach the minimum number of participants may make it necessary to cancel or postpone the appointment. Expenses resulting from this cannot be reimbursed by me. Payments already made will be refunded in case of cancellation.

Dates and cancellation

Appointments are considered fixed after registration by phone, e-mail or via reservation on Calendly.

Fixed appointments can be either postponed or cancelled up to 24 hours before the agreed appointment. This has to happen via email, by phone or on the communication channels on Instagram and Facebook.

If the appointment is not kept without prior contact or is postponed / cancelled less than 24 hours before the agreed appointment, 50% of the fee will be charged.

Prices / Terms of payment

The fee set according to the price list is to be paid in cash immediately after the energetic session/assistance. In case of online sessions, the payment is to be made in advance.

Data Protection Act

All personal data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will not be disclosed to third parties, unless mandatory legal provisions stipulate otherwise.